Just your friendly neighborhood cosplayer!
Here to spread positivity and love!

Hello there, I'm Midnight Pursona! I'm a cosplayer, seamstress, gamer, singer, voice actor, artist, makeup artist, photographer-- Well I have alot of skills under my belt. I've been learning new things every year, but cosplay as been my passion since 2009.
I use my passion to motivate and help people feel welcomed and loved in the community. I stand for diversity, justice, love, and positivity in life! I pride myself of helping others like myself (Plus-Size, Black, Queer, & Disabled) feel like they have a place in every passion they want to be in! From Cosplaying to VTubing we all deserve space and shouldn't be afraid to take up space!
If you're interested in collaborating, interviewing, or inviting me to your convention please contact me! I would love to have a conversation!
Are you interested in watching me stream? I love playing video games and I love to stream for my audience! If you wanna check my stream out, follow me on Twitch!
(Click my logo for more Info!)

Awards & Performaces
I'm not a theater kid, but I LOVE performing on stage and showing off my work! One of my favorite things at conventions is the cosplay contest and making people smile through acting! I'm blessed enough to even say I've been able to judge other peoples cosplay and skits!
You can find some of my performaces here on YouTube!
Some of my Awards I've won.Best Novice Group (Anime Vegas 2010)
Most Inspirational (Anime Vegas 2011)
2nd Place Overall (SuperCon Winter 2012)
2nd Place Overall (Sabakon 2013)
Best Novice Performance Group (Anime Vegas 2013)
Best Journeyman (Otakon Vegas 2014)
Best Journeyman (Otakon Vegas 2015)
Screaming Fangirl Award (Fannatiku 2015)
Best Characterization (Anime Los Angeles 2016)
2016 Best In Show (Anime Fannatiku 2016)
Best Journeyman (Lvl Up Expo 2019)
Akakioga’s Judge Award (Sabakon 2019)
Best Journeyman Performance (Sabakon 2019)
Runner Up Best Journeyman Performance (Anime Los Angeles 2020)

Cosplay Gallery
I've been cosplaying since 2009, when I did my very first cosplay contest! So I have ALOT of cosplay under my belt. The funny thing, is this isn't even all of it, there's a lot of cosplay that I never got photos of! I both create, modify, buy, and sew all my cosplays! I like to remind people that cosplay doesn't have to be made from scratch nor does it have to be accurate, its expression of your love for the character!
So here is what Ilike to call me "Cos-graphy" of most of the things I've done!
Still Under Construction
Here are some of the pieces that I did for competition or that I sewed myself from scratch!
Still Under Construction
If you really love my content and want to support me here's some ways you can!
On my amazon I even have a section for cosplays I can review!

Brands & Collabs
These are some of the brands that I work with! Most of which I have a code for discounts! Check out these brands and if you'd like to work with be, please feel free to shoot me an email and contact me!

Use code MidniteStars for a discount
Use code MIDNITESTARS for a discount
Use code MIDNITE for a discount
Use code MIDNITESTARS for a discount
Use code MIDNITEGAMER for a discount
Here are some other companies and collabs I've done! Some where gifts from some kind small businesses!
Some of which I bought myself but really wanted to show off and support a small business!
Here are some other companies that I've worked with!

Support Me!
If you really love and enjoy my work here are some ways you can help me continue to do it! If you ever have a suggestion for cosplay, feel free to send me a message. I'm always open (with in reason).
You can also just use this to tip or donate to my work!
I have a few different ways you can send me gifts if you'd like to! You never have to feel obligated to do so but I always appreciate it!
Other ways
Now if you don't have money or want to donate anything, then please just follow and share my content! The best way to support me without money is to share my content, make sure to follow me on all platforms, and if you have a local event or convention you'd like to see me guest at, recommend me!

Wanna Contact Me?
If you'd like to get in contact with me you can always message me on any of my social media!
You can also shoot me an email if you are a company or convention trying to work with me!
Feel free to also contact me by filling out this form, I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Helping Others
The world always seems to be in disarray so its great we find ways to help others when we can! So here are some links to help out others when they are in need!

Hello there! Along with everything else I enjoy doing, I'm also a streamer! I love playing video games and entertaining people on stream! My Twitch is mostly wholesome vibes & fun times, but sometimes we will play competitive games too! If you love my cosplay community and positivity, feel free to join me in my streaming community!

Midnight the Space Traveling Cat Gurl
More Info Coming Soon

Every once and a while I like to take spicy photos and experiment with some fun shoots.
I've been using these platforms to help with my confidence and to feel beautiful.
So if you're interested in some of my more mature content feel free to check these pages out!